Sunday, September 18, 2011

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"...Probably no other American has done more to endear people to the Catholic faith than the beloved Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Beginning in 1930 and for 22 years thereafter, his radio show, "The Catholic Hour," reached millions of Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Then from 1951 to 1957, his groundbreaking television program, "Life is Worth Living," reached an estimated 30 million viewers each week. Archbishop Sheen touched so many lives that he would receive as many as 25,000 letters a day.
When you consider that he wrote 66 books, 62 booklets and thousands of letters, served as editor of two magazines for 16 years, and was a syndicated columnist in the secular press for 30 years, there is a reason why the Jesuit magazine "America" once called him "the greatest evangelizer in the history of the Catholic Church of the United States..."

Watch the trailer for the upcoming documentary.

Keep updated on his cause for canonization at

Prayer for canonization can be found at this link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Fulton Sheen really helped me to come back to the Church with a deeper spirituality and commitment to prayer and the rosary.