Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mattie J.T. Stepanek - Who was this Young Man?

 Mattie began creating poetry, short stories, and essays when he was 3 years old. Initially, his expressions explored his grief following the death of his brother, Jamie. As Mattie grew older, his writings reflected his evolving understanding and views of our world, and our need for hope and peace.
During kindergarten, his first book (a hand-bound collection of Heartsongs poetry) earned first prize in a county-wide book festival. Subsequent books each year also earned top prize in this contest. In 1999, he was awarded the Melinda A. Lawrence Inspirational Book Award by Children’s Hospice International for his unpublished materials, and in 2000, a special collection of his work was accepted into the Library of Congress.  Click Here to Read more about Mattie

Mattie J.T. Stepanek was one of three recipients of a new set of national awards being presented by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. Mattie was honored posthumously with the inaugural Youth/Young Adult Leadership Award during NCPD’s 2013 conference.
According to an NCPD news article, each of the three new awards “has special significance to the ministry to and with persons with disabilities by recognizing individuals on a national level who exemplify qualities that the Award represents.”
The Youth/Young Adult Leadership Award recognizes a Catholic youth or young adult with a disability, age 35 or younger, who has worked collaboratively and demonstrates outstanding leadership in advancing access and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the life of the Catholic Church and society...Mattie’s “abundant faith was evident to the late Cardinal James Hickey, who called Mattie a “messenger” from God,” Kolm added. “Mattie was confirmed by Cardinal Hickey at age 8 and later was a lector and catechist at his parish.”  Click Here to Read Entire Article


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