Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Exaltation of the Cross Novena Starts Thursday Sept. 5

Day One

Pray the Daily Prayer

Jesus, your love for your Father brought you to the cross. We are gathered before this magnificent symbol of our faith to recall the events of Calvary and to thank you for your great sacrifice.

Your cross is our life. Your death brought us salvation. As we ponder on the meaning of your death, we ask you to send us the Holy Spirit that we may be able to accept the truth that without sacrifice, we can never be your disciples.

Give us the courage to believe that our major challenge in life is the acceptance of suffering and death. You have glorified our suffering and death with your suffering, dying, and rising from the dead. Inspire us to believe that without the cross, there is no glory. Amen.
Day One Prayer

Jesus, you carried your cross through the streets of Jerusalem, with your head bloodied by the crown of thorns. Your enemies laughed at you, and your friends abandoned you. You carried the cross, the sins of humanity, on your shoulders and in the silence of your sufferings, we are reborn.

Jesus, you taught us that we should also carry others’ sins. We see this in mothers who stand helpless at the abuses of their children, or their husbands. They suffer in silence, yet their sufferings save and redeem their loved ones.

Teach us, O Lord, to accept situations that we cannot change and carry them as you carried your cross through the streets of Jerusalem. Amen.

Through your Holy Cross, save us. (3x) Glory Be. (3x)


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