Sunday, August 11, 2013

Second Vatican Council II Exhibit


The exhibit, entitled Sanctus Paulus extra moenia et Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II, covers an area of 300 square meters or square yards, and includes original handwritten pages from Pope John XXIII speech at the council's opening session, and the Vatican Passport issued to John Paul II who then was known as Archbishop Karol Wojtyla.  Click Here for article found at Zenit.
The US Bishops asked of the laity action items for the Year of Faith which is coming to a close in November. 
  •  Pray a daily rosary for the preservations of Religious Liberty in the United States.
  • Fast on Fridays.  Use the same rules of fasting that the Church uses during lent.
  • Read the Vatican II documents.
    • The constitutions - recommended to read.
    • The decrees
    • The declarations

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